Cornerstone offers clients comprehensive and innovative insurance cover.

Supporting you every step of the way.

We are an independent wholesale insurance broker providing specialist solutions to our clients and accessing a wide range of markets on their behalf.

  • We will help you identify your insurable risks.
  • Provide you with expertise and advice on risk management and insurance solutions.

  • Help you with your product selection, by explaining the cover, terms and conditions.

  • Support you at time of a claim.

  • With Cornerstone Wealth by your side with best-in-class Insurance Solutions.

We know business insurance

Because we get to know the people behind them.

We understand that your business is the life blood of your family and its success depends on your hard work and diligence. The last thing you need is some external factor, outside of your control to disrupt your business.

Port Elizabeth Insurance Brokers | Port Elizabeth Insurance Brokers
Port Elizabeth Insurance Brokers | Port Elizabeth Insurance Brokers

We know personal insurance

Because we get to know the people behind them.

We can help you protect your belongings, look after your health and accident cover from a range of leading insurance providers.. Car, household, liability and accident cover to protect yourself and your property.